Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Two Types Of Dermatitis



Diaper dermatitis or diaper rash is an irritation of the skin covering the groin, lower stomach, upper thighs and buttocks. This condition is seen more commonly in infants and early childhood prior to 2 years of age. Diaper dermatitis usually occurs between one and two months of age and may continue until the child no longer wears diapers


The symptoms of diaper dermatitis vary depending on the cause of the dermatitis, and may be different for each child that is affected. The following are common characteristics of the rash that may occur with each type of infection:

1. candida diaper dermatitis - this rash usually begins in the creases or folds of the thighs and in the diaper area, and then spreads. The rash is usually a deep, red, shiny rash with red, satellite lesions.

2. seborrheic diaper dermatitis - this rash also affects the skin folds in the groin area and is usually pink. Infants may also have this rash on their face, scalp, or neck at the same time.

3. contact diaper dermatitis - this rash is mostly seen on the buttocks and may extend to the thighs, stomach, and waist area


1. We all have a natural protective film of oil on our skin. If this oil is removed the skin becomes red, irritated, cracked and inflamed. When a person's skin is exposed to urine or feces for prolonged periods, the natural skin oil is removed causing diaper dermatitis.

2. After the skin becomes red and inflamed, the skin becomes predisposed to infection. Both bacteria and yeast can infect the inflamed cracked skin


1. The best treatment for diaper dermatitis is to prevent it from starting. Using absorbent disposable diapers easiest does this. These do not allow urine to come into contact with the skin. Modern absorbent disposable diapers can hold large amounts of urine and keep it away from the skin.

2. If you plan to use reusable diapers, they must be changed each time after they become wet or every one to two hours.


1.Keep the diaper area as dry as possible by using absorbent disposable diapers or by frequent changes of conventional diapers. Triple paste is an ointment that can be applied to the diapered area with every diaper change.

2.Lotrimin cream can be used for diaper rash and can be purchased without a prescription. Do not use a medication named Lotrisone, even if given to you by your doctor. This medication can do irreversible harm if applied to the groin area of a child.

Foot dermatitis: it can turn your attention to a major foot care:

This problem can affect the feet entirely as it causes a serious disorder to skin of the feet. It can be caused by excessive dry skin that is a result of excessive bathing, hand washing, sweating or swimming. If one is into an excessive contact of cosmetics, detergents or deodorants or cleansers then there can be a problem excessive dryness of the skin again leading to dermatitis. An exposure to high humidity can also affect the skin as it can result into skin exfoliation. In some cases it was found that consumption of tobacco and smoking were also causes of this problem. Wearing some specific type of footwear can also be a cause for this problem. In extreme temperatures this problem becomes more obvious.

Where does it affect?

If the problem is related to sole then there are yellow patches with a red base that can cause an itchy peeling of the skin that can last for several months. If front part of foot is affected then there is a red itchy scaly eruption with other problems like vesicles and crusting of the feet. If the entire foot is affected then it is observed that there are multiple red papules on the foot. In some cases this problem can occur with very small children and it can make them too sensitive to everything. It was observed that some children have developed fever and hypertension resulting into mucus in membranes. There is an entire description of regulation of fluid in the body. In some cases the spread of infection till the legs it can lead to purple and brown plaques in the feet and legs. In the case of occurrence of nodules surgery is advised but it is seen that the problem may reoccur in patients.

How to get rid of this problem?

Even if there is a little insignificant rash on the feet then it should be considered because it can lead to foot dermatitis at anytime. If one is detected with the problem then it should begin with the appropriate ointments suggested by the physician. Appropriate type of lubricants should be used so that the moisture content in the feet is maintained. In some severe cases doctors advice the patients with an oral dosage of medicines so that dryness can be removed from within.

You can buy Lotrisone here


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