Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How to Enlarge Your Penis Using Penis Extender

What is a penis extender?

It is a lightweight medical device, which is worn on your penis while in flaccid state. It contains adjustment screws, which allow you to gradually increase its length thus increasing the stretching effect it has on your penis. To achieve meaningful results, it should be worn for about 5-8 hours a day turning the adjustment screws according to the penis enlargement program schedule.

How it works?

Although penis extender is a relatively new invention, the principle behind this device has been known to human for thousands of years. This principle says that human body is designed to adapt to the environment. For example, in order to build big and strong muscles, people commonly lift weights. Lungs of professional athletes are much more powerful than yours or mine. Naturally, penis responds to traction the same way any other part of the human body does. The traction device gradually stretches and lengthens the penis, which causes its cells to grow effectively making it larger.

Is it better than other penis enlargement options?

Penis extenders provide a combination of safety and effectiveness that no other method can match. Penis surgery is effective but very dangerous (and expensive too!) Weights and pumps can provide some results, but they are also dangerous and can cause permanent damage to the tissues of your penis. Penis enlargement pills are safe but, alas, no pill can increase your, although they can be taken as a supplement to your regular penis exercise routine.

In contrast, penis extenders underwent extensive medical testing and were clinically proven to be safe and effective.

What gains can you expect?

As I already said, in order to achieve gains in your girth and length, you must wear the extender for 5-8 hours a day. If you adhere to this exercise routine (this may be difficult if the device you use is not comfortable, so make sure you purchase a model with a comfort strap.) the typical gain in length is 1-1.5 inches in the first three months. If you continue to perform stretching exercises for three more months, you can expect to gain 0.5-1 more inches. The total exercising period is usually three or six months total depending on how quickly you achieve your size goal. After that, you don't have to continue wearing the extender to maintain your new size -- the gains are permanent.

You can buy Penis Growth Pills here


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Arkaig_Roe's weblog

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